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Nominations for the 2025 Humanities Awards opening August 1

On August 1 public nominations open for the the Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities’ 40th annual Humanities Awards. Since 1985, LEH has honored hundreds of Louisianans who have made outstanding contributions to the understanding of the state’s culture and history.

Public nominations are sought for six categories:

  • Lifetime Contributions to the Humanities: Honors citizens who have supported public appreciation of issues central to the humanities.
  • Documentary Photographer of the Year: Honors documentary photographers whose work captures Louisiana’s history, culture, and/or peoples. Nominations may be for a complete body of work or a single project.
  • Humanities Documentary Film of the Year: Awarded to the documentary film released in the previous calendar year (2024) that best exemplifies scholarship on Louisiana topics or by Louisiana documentary filmmakers.
  • Humanities Book of the Year: Awarded to the book published between October 1, 2023, and September 30, 2024, that best exemplifies scholarship on Louisiana topics or by Louisiana writers.
  • Light Up for Literacy: Honors individuals who have made significant and lasting contributions to literacy efforts in the state. The award is presented in partnership with the State Library of Louisiana’s Center for the Book.
  • Best in Digital Humanities: Recognizes publicly accessible digital humanities projects produced in the previous two calendar years (2023 and 2024) including websites, virtual exhibitions, podcasts, and other born-digital initiatives that bring new insights to and/or significantly improve the public’s understanding of the state, its history and/or its culture. This award is given biannually in odd-numbered years.

Note:  The Museum Exhibition of the Year award is awarded biannually in even-numbered years. The next award in this category will be made in 2026. 


Individuals, institutions, or organizations may submit nominations. Individuals, however, may not nominate themselves. Letters of nomination should not exceed two pages and should detail specific accomplishments that qualify the nominee for the award; in particular, their contributions to our understanding of the state and the humanities. Whenever possible, a curriculum vitae for the nominee and other letters of support should accompany the letter of nomination. Supporting documentation, including hard copies of or links to press coverage and/or reviews, are also welcome.


Humanities Book of the Year 
Include six copies of the book in the nomination packet.
Books must be single- or co-authored. Anthologies and multi-authored edited volumes are not eligible.

Humanities Documentary Film of the Year 
Include a screening link.

Documentary Photographer of the Year 
Include a digital portfolio of the artist’s work as well as a list of exhibitions and/or publications in which the work has appeared.

Museum Exhibition of the Year  

If applicable, nominators in this category are encouraged to provide hard or digital copies of any corresponding exhibition catalog.

*If nominations are to include hard (paper) copies of any project or collection, at least 6 copies must be submitted.


Humanities Book of the Year:  October 10, 2024

All other categories:  October 20, 2024

*Complete nominations must be received on or before the posted due date for the corresponding Humanities Award category. Incomplete nominations and/or nominations received after 11:59 p.m. on the due date will not be reviewed.


All nominations should be addressed to: Humanities Awards Committee, Attn: Clare Shelburne, Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities, 938 Lafayette St, Suite 300, New Orleans, LA 70113. Nominations also may be emailed to [email protected].


The Humanities Awards Committee will select nominees who best exemplify one or more of the above categories. No single humanities area will receive primary consideration, but the nominees’ activities must reflect one or more disciplines in the humanities. For additional information about the annual humanities awards, contact Clare Shelburne at [email protected] or visit the LEH website.

View a list of awardees since 1985.