NEH Emergency Grants – DEADLINE EXTENDED to May 10th

NEH Emergency Grants
Was your organization impacted by Hurricane Harvey? Is it at risk of being impacted by natural disaster? Is there need in your local community for programming that explores how we, as Louisiana residents, cope with, respond to, and persevere in the face of disaster?
The Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities (LEH), with the support of the National Endowment for the Humanities, is offering grant opportunities for disaster mitigation, documentation, and public programming in areas affected by Hurricane Harvey in 2017. The regrant process will be competitive and open to cultural institutions and libraries in all twelve parishes declared federal disaster zones: Acadia, Allen, Beauregard, Calcasieu, Cameron, Iberia, Jefferson Davis, Natchitoches, Rapides, Sabine, Vernon, and Vermilion Parishes. If your organization would like to discuss an idea for a project that falls into the categories listed below, please contact LEH Grants Manager Chris Robert at [email protected] or 504-620-2639.
The application will be open March 1 through May 10, 2019.
The grant period is May 1 2019 through December 31, 2020.
Grant amounts will range from $500–$5,000. Cost share is not required for this grant stream.
Applicants are eligible for grants in three categories:
- Mitigation
Funds to contribute to facility repairs that reduce vulnerability, facility risk assessment, continuity of operation plan, staff training on planning/mitigation strategies, preservation and digitization, purchase of basic hazard mitigation resources, etc.
Specific examples include but are not limited to:
- Purchase of disaster response kits ;
- Training in how to prepare for and navigate the aftermath of a disaster (American Library Association, Smithsonian Institution’s HEART program, Society of American Archivists, Northeast Document Conservation Center);
- Training in how to document a disaster, including how to collect oral histories (Louisiana Folklife Program, Louisiana Voices);
- IT support to underwrite moving servers and other local systems vulnerable to onsite flooding to the cloud;
- Physical repairs that reduce vulnerability;
- Conservation and digitization projects;
- IT support for the creation of a password-protected website for all employees of a cultural institution for post-disaster communication;
- Roundtables with cultural institution professionals;
- Documentation
Funds for the development of books, essays, photographic essays, films, interviews/oral histories, etc. that document Hurricane Harvey and its aftermath.
- Public Programming
Public programming that explores humanities themes related to “disaster,” such as community, dislocation, loss, perseverance, and adaptation. We ask applicants to think creatively about how to address this topic through public programming. Specific examples include but are not limited to:
- Lectures
- Reading programs
- Screenings
- Story circles for adults
- Storytelling sessions
- Humanities-themed arts and crafts projects for children
If your organization is interested in applying for a grant, we encourage you to contact Grants Manager Chris Robert at [email protected] to discuss your project.