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LEH Announces Three New Staff

The Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities (LEH), the state affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities, is pleased to announce three new team members.

Dr. Holly Bell has returned to the LEH as Vice President of Education. She joined PRIME TIME Family Reading Time in 2007 as a storyteller, and later became instrumental in the creation of the PRIME TIME Preschool program. Bell holds a doctoral degree in Human Ecology; Family, Child, and Consumer Sciences from Louisiana State University and a M.Ed. in Elementary Education Instruction and Curriculum from Arizona State University. Previously, Bell was Assistant Professor of  Education at LSU-Eunice, adjunct professor at Tulane University, and more recently worked with the Mini Masters program at the New Orleans Museum of Art. Contact: 504.620.2644,

“I am thrilled to be at LEH fulltime once again, especially in this dynamic era of growth,” Bell said. “The staff is wonderful- it feels like coming home.” Bell lives in New Orleans with three of her four children, and enjoys working in fiber arts.

Michael Boyle also returns to the LEH as Director of Institutional Advancement. A non-profit management and fund raising professional with nearly 25 years experience working with New Orleans based non-profits, Boyle has managed all aspects of fund development; from major gifts and capital campaigns to planned giving.  He led the successful initial Louisiana Humanities Center capital campaign from 2004 to 2008, and led prior fundraising efforts at the National D-Day Museum, including the capital campaign that led to the museum’s opening in June 2000. Boyle is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin in Economics, and studied at George Washington University and the United States International University in San Diego, Ca.

“It is great to be back,” said Boyle. “The LEH represents Louisiana to the country and to the world with a level of quality that is unassailable, and the results that PRIME TIME Family Reading Time can boast, combine to make LEH one of the nation’s premier cultural organizations.”

Boyle is an avid woodturner, and resides in New Orleans’ Irish Channel with his wife Darnell. His art can be seen at ZeleNOLA Gallery on Magazine Street in New Orleans.

Suzanne McClellan is Director of Sales for Louisiana Cultural Vistas magazine, the LEH’s award winning quarterly publication. McClellan previously worked with Morris Media Network, where she was the Publisher of WHEREmagazine, Dallas, and Group Publisher for WHERE in the Hawaiian Islands.

McClellan has a background in newspaper, radio, television, magazines, book publishing, and social media. She is a graduate of James Madison University, was a Captain in the U.S. Army, and is a member of Alpha Gamma Delta. Interested advertisers may contact, or 504.620.2644.